Epic National Park Portrait

Epic National Park Portrait

Figuring out how to take this epic National Park portrait was a lot of fun and very interesting. For this project we needed to take a picture of a model with the sky completely blown out, mine isn’t as blown out as it probably should be. Then we took a photo where the sky is how we want the final picture to be. Then you keep the settings the same as the second photo and add a Speedlight so that the model is lit up as well as the sky.

It creates this studio-style photo but outside with a remarkable background. While looking at my epic portrait I should have either done a higher angle or a lower angle to keep her hat in the blue sky or the green grass. Each time I take photos I learn a new skill that I want to keep working on so I can perfect it. It’s crazy how much there is to learn about photography and the millions of different types of styles. I recommend learning about all of them so when you decide on your favorite you can put the time in effort into it.

Epic National Park Portrait
Epic National Park Portrait

Check out more Epic National Park Portraits at https://www.donna-young-photography.com/blog/2020/1/epic-engagement-session-zion-national-park-denver-colorado-portrait-photography