Bathroom Extraordinary shot

Extraordinary Shot

I had a lot of fun with this concept of ordinary spot extraordinary shot. I took a ton of photos to try and accomplish this task. I tried to take some cool star photos but in my bathroom and I feel like they came out but weren’t as awesome as they could have been. So later in the week, I saw these porta-potties sitting at the park by my house. And instantly I knew that I could turn those into cool photos with my friend Payton.

I was able to take about 25 different shots that were what I would consider better than normal and I think maybe 2 that were extraordinary. Then I saw the monkey bars and thought I could get an extraordinary shot from underneath. Overall this was a really fun experiment to try and find the best shots no matter where you are. You can capture extraordinary shots anywhere, that is probably my biggest takeaway from this activity.

Check out some more extraordinary shots at

 Bathroom Before Extraordinary shot

Potty Extraordinary shotBefore Potty Extraordinary shotbars extraordinary shotbefore bar extraordinary shot

Extraordinary Shot

I had a lot of fun with this concept of ordinary spot extraordinary shot. I took a ton of photos to try and accomplish this task. I tried to take some cool star photos but in my bathroom and I feel like they came out but weren’t as awesome as they could have been. So later in the week, I saw these porta-potties sitting at the park by my house. And instantly I knew that I could turn those into cool photos with my friend Payton. 

I was able to take about 25 different shots that were what I would consider better than normal and I think maybe 2 that were extraordinary. Then I saw the monkey bars and thought I could get an extraordinary shot from underneath. Overall this was a really fun experiment to try and find the best shots no matter where you are. You can capture extraordinary shots anywhere, that is probably my biggest takeaway from this activity.

Check out some more extraordinary shots at