Food and Product Photography Idaho

Food and Product Photography Idaho

I was able to take these food and product photography Idaho in Island park, Idaho. It was a lot of fun to try out different lighting and water techniques. For some of the photos, we used a lot of auxiliary lights like light bars in all different colors, light umbrellas, speed lights, and under-the-table lights. For all the indoor photos I got to try out water droplets and water mist to get unique lighting on the photos. I was also able to use different colored auxiliary lights to give products a different ambiance.

Food and Product Photography Idaho
Food and Product Photography Idaho
Food and Product Photography Idaho
Food and Product Photography Idaho
Food and Product Photography Idaho
Food and Product Photography Idaho

I also got to take some of the products outdoors to create a natural vibe to the photos. I was able to find things that just made the products pop and also use natural light. Overall the one thing that I learned when editing these photos is that dodge and burn in photoshop makes all the difference in your photos. This year I decided I really wanted to figure out how to use more of the tools in photoshop and the most important one is dodge and burn.

Food and Product Photography Idaho
Food and Product Photography Idaho

Check out more food and product photography Idaho at