Kitchen Indoor Light Painting_

Indoor Light Painting

Indoor Light Painting is a really cool concept that I don’t think most people understand. I know that a lot of these pictures just look like they were taken in front of a black background, but they aren’t. These photos are taken in a pitch-black room with a flashlight. It is going to be around the same settings for outdoor light painting; F11, ISO 200, 30″. You will also want to have your camera on automatic focus just to focus on something and then turn it to manual focus before you take the photo. And again you will want a tripod.

Jewelry indoor light painting
violin indoor light painting

You can do this type of photography in the middle of the day as long as you have a dark room somewhere in your home. This is a lot different than my last post about Outdoor light painting, In that type of photography you want have light trails most of the time. But with Indoor Light Painting you want to just light up parts in your picture to give it this cool unique look. To learn more about indoor light painting check out

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