National Park Portraits

National Park Portraits

While shooting these National Park Portraits I learned a lot about lighting and tangents. I have never really enjoyed taking photos of people because I’m not sure where to crop them in. Also, I’m not that aware of how to line people’s heads with the things behind them. I don’t see the design problem with their heads lining up with a mountain but as I have been taking these portraits it has started to make more sense.

When you are adjusting people’s heads or shoulders so they don’t line up with the horizon it makes it so they don’t look like they are one with the background. It gives your picture more dimension putting distance between your subject and the horizon. Also when taking portraits outside you will either need to bracket or have some sort of auxiliary lighting like a flash, or a reflector. Let me know how it goes when you go out and take National Park Portraits.

National Park Portraits
National Park Portraits
National Park Portraits
National Park Portraits
National Park Portraits
National Park Portraits

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National Park Portraits
National Park Portraits